You'll Never Walk Alone in Malaysia. utusanlfc is a blog for Liverpool FC Fanatics & Hardcores since August 2007. If you're a fan of Manchester United, leave NOW.
31 December 2011
The REAL unsung hero: Martin Skrtel
The REAL unsung hero of Liverpool FC. The last man, the fierce-looking bad-ass. The tormentor. The stopper. He is Martin Skrtel.
The match started at 3.50am Malaysian time and I put my alarm-clock at 3.55am. No, I didn't miss anything as the real fight happened in the second halves. Mind you, I had to dash to the 7-11 to buy myself a pack of ciggies during the break. I should have prepared earlier but it was raining at midnight, thus the dawn-rush to the 24-hour store. Smokers are crazy. hmmm...
We are happy that at last, and a much needed one, the squad registered a win. Thanks to the two goals by Craig Bellamy (before he was elbowed by Fabricio Coloccini) and the most exciting last goal by our long injured captain, Steven Gerrard. The win itself bring some sort of a relief after a spell of draws and failure to convert sufficiently to kill the game. The virus seems to be persisted in the match, and as many of you would testify, the arrival of Gerrard brought the stalemate into a lively fight. He rejuvenated the squad.
30 December 2011
SIR STEVEN GERRARD, please rise!
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Steven Gerrard in a perfect composure taking a lethal shot... |
Luis Suarez won't be playing in the match against Newcastle United today (4am Malaysian time). It does make some of us nervous. While our defence has been dubbed ''the meanest'' in the English Premier League, we can't really say much about our striking ability.
The same reason why we ended in too many draws and losing unexpectedly to a lowly team (with due respect, we thought LFC would be slaughtered by Manchester City but we didn't. Thus, losing to Fulham was puzzling to this day!)
29 December 2011
Suarez's middle finger to FA
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A friend is selling the t-shirt wore by Suarez and the squad during the match warmed-up against Wigan. I have ordered 20 set. Do you want it? Offer valid in Malaysia only. |
Like most of Liverpool FC fans all over the globe, the latest ban on Luis Suarez is utterly baffling. That would be a bias point of view, said those who doesn't believe in YNWA's concept. After all, the English FA got the video evidence.
However, we have to question the FA's consistency in handling such cases. I don't have to list here many other instances where players from powerfully influential club such as Manchester United or Arsenal and Chelsea were let loose by the FA. I have enough of 'bias' word thrown to me (not that would hurting me at all...)
28 December 2011
A true Liverpool fan stays loyal to the team in all weathers
WE ARE LIVERPOOL! (lobby of LFC's training centre in Melwood, Liverpool on Dec 8, 2011) |
I deliberately withheld to comment on the last few matches that ended up in a rather bemusing result. Failed to score in the Wigan match then didn't get to shut off Blackburn totally. The win against Aston Villa was a bit odd for me to do so. Why? It's because there were so many people commenting on it. While there's nothing wrong with that, I find it rather awkward to read some negative points. Some even suggested for the removal of Kenny Dalglish.
I have read some detailed analysis. I'm sure many of you read it too. There are arguments that Dalglish's accomplishment were not that afar from Roy Hodgson, to telly the result between August to December. Not that far is ranging by the number of the draw and full 3 points that the squad is losing now. In that, I am disagree. To analyse the performances, you have to see the points accrued, based on the numbers of winning, loses and draw. The different is obvious. Dalglish's reign has produced more.
27 December 2011
26 December 2011
LFC goes to USA in 2012 summer, not Asia
Christmas Day in Astro Arena Studio LIVE
No bro, I'm not surrendering my Suarez's scarf to you, Hafizan Hashim. |
Before the start of Grand Stand LIVE talk show on Astro Arena channel 801 on Christmas Day. From left is Norliza Kamaruddin, Mohd Rizal Hashim, Hafizan Hashim and Chow Yuen Fatt. |
I love my Anthem jacket. HAHAHAH |
Frankly, I am a bit reluctant to appear on the television. The rules of thumb is that once I got the invite, I have to inform my superior and get the green light. That's nothing really. But if the topic is a general topic or politics, I am so afraid to say things that may deemed as not in lined with the company's policy or worst, been laughed at. Which reminds me of the movie The King's Speech.
However, when Zainal Abidin Rawop invited me to participate in the Grand Stand talk show at 2.30pm on Channel 801 Astro Arena yesterday (Christmas Day), I didn't really have qualms or what so ever. The topic is not only on my hands but also very close to my heart. Together with Standard Chartered Bank's Country Head of Corporate Affairs, Mdm Norliza Kamaruddin, we will be talking on Liverpool for 30 mins on LIVE telecast. So I am okay with it.
Ulasan Kes Luis Suarez
PUBLISHED 25/12/2011 IN MINGGUAN MALAYSIA (Klik di sini untuk ke laman web : Ulasan kes Luis Suarez
Bila mulut bawa padah adalah tajuk yang disiar di Mingguan Malaysia dan dipilih oleh Pengarang MM. Tajuk asal saya adalah `menangani isu rasisme dalam bola sepak'.
Oleh Johardy Ibrahim
BEGITU bingit isu penyerang Liverpool FC, Luis Suarez didapati bersalah menuturkan perkataan perkauman atau rasis terhadap kapten Manchester United, Patrice Evra minggu ini. Suarez dikenakan hukuman penggantungan lapan permainan dan denda 40,000 pounds (RM200,000).
Isu itu menjadi rumit kerana banyak pihak tidak mengendahkan bantahan Liverpool FC terhadap kaedah yang digunakan oleh Persatuan Bolasepak Inggeris atau FA tidak sama seperti kaedah konvensional amalan mahkamah sivil.
Ramai yang memilih untuk melihat Suarez sudah didapati bersalah semata-mata dan mahu dia menjalani hukuman tersebut, selain menjadikannya kes contoh kepada semua yang terlibat atau meminati bola sepak Inggeris.
Kes serupa dihadapi oleh kapten Chelsea, John Terry yang dituduh menuturkan perkataan seumpamanya kepada Anton Ferdinand dari kelab Queen's Park Rangers, yang juga adik pemain Manchester United, Rio Ferdinand.
Tiada kelab penyokong rasmi LFC di Malaysia
LIVERPOOL - Malaysia tidak memiliki kelab penyokong yang menjalin hubungan
secara rasmi dengan kelab bola sepak Liverpool, menurut wakil kelab LFC berpusat
di Singapura.
Pengurus Rakan Kongsi LFC, Stephanie Wong ketika ditemui Utusan Malaysia di pusat latihan LFC di Melwood berkata, beliau berperanan menyelia aktiviti LFC dengan pelbagai pihak di rantau Asia.
''Namun, LFC tidak menjalin hubungan rasmi dengan mana-mana kelab penyokong di Malaysia, walaupun pernah sebelum ini,'' katanya.
Keadaan tersebut ujarnya, tidak memberi masalah besar kerana LFC sememangnya mengetahui terdapat dua juta penyokong di Malaysia.
Kelab juga menawarkan keahlian rasmi LFC yang boleh dipohon secara dalam talian bagi peminat di Malaysia iaitu
Pengurus Rakan Kongsi LFC, Stephanie Wong ketika ditemui Utusan Malaysia di pusat latihan LFC di Melwood berkata, beliau berperanan menyelia aktiviti LFC dengan pelbagai pihak di rantau Asia.
''Namun, LFC tidak menjalin hubungan rasmi dengan mana-mana kelab penyokong di Malaysia, walaupun pernah sebelum ini,'' katanya.
Keadaan tersebut ujarnya, tidak memberi masalah besar kerana LFC sememangnya mengetahui terdapat dua juta penyokong di Malaysia.
Kelab juga menawarkan keahlian rasmi LFC yang boleh dipohon secara dalam talian bagi peminat di Malaysia iaitu
Liverpool FC bantu pertumbuhan bank
Published 24/12/2011
Oleh Johardy Ibrahim
LONDON – Standard Chartered Bank yakin penajaannya terhadap kelab bola sepak terkenal, Liverpool akan membantu pertumbuhan bank itu di pasaran-pasaran baru muncul di Asia, Afrika dan Asia Barat.
Pengerusinya, Sir John Peace berkata, kewujudan bank itu melebihi seabad di Asia dan Afrika terutamanya, menjadi bekalan kekuatan baginya untuk menghadapi suasana ketidaktentuan ekonomi global dan krisis hutang zon euro pada masa ini.
“Sebagai sebuah bank, kami melihat peluang-peluang perniagaan terhasil daripada ketidaktentuan ekonomi global. Memandang ke tahun depan, kami pasti dan secara strategik akan terus dan menjangka untuk mencatat pertumbuhan dalam pasaran-pasaran yang kami telah bertapak,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian dalam taklimat kepada media yang menyertai lawatan anjuran bank itu ke ibu pejabat Standard Chartered di Basinghall Avenue, London, baru-baru ini.
Bank berpangkalan di London itu kini memberi tumpuan ke pasaran Asia, Asia Barat dan Afrika, yang menyumbang kepada lebih 90 peratus perolehan dan keuntungannya.
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KEDAI menjual barangan rasmi Liverpool FC dan Muzium LFC di
Stadium Anfield.
LONDON – Standard Chartered Bank yakin penajaannya terhadap kelab bola sepak terkenal, Liverpool akan membantu pertumbuhan bank itu di pasaran-pasaran baru muncul di Asia, Afrika dan Asia Barat.
Pengerusinya, Sir John Peace berkata, kewujudan bank itu melebihi seabad di Asia dan Afrika terutamanya, menjadi bekalan kekuatan baginya untuk menghadapi suasana ketidaktentuan ekonomi global dan krisis hutang zon euro pada masa ini.
“Sebagai sebuah bank, kami melihat peluang-peluang perniagaan terhasil daripada ketidaktentuan ekonomi global. Memandang ke tahun depan, kami pasti dan secara strategik akan terus dan menjangka untuk mencatat pertumbuhan dalam pasaran-pasaran yang kami telah bertapak,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian dalam taklimat kepada media yang menyertai lawatan anjuran bank itu ke ibu pejabat Standard Chartered di Basinghall Avenue, London, baru-baru ini.
Bank berpangkalan di London itu kini memberi tumpuan ke pasaran Asia, Asia Barat dan Afrika, yang menyumbang kepada lebih 90 peratus perolehan dan keuntungannya.
Sinergi jitu Standard Chartered dan Liverpool FC
Published 24/12/2011

KENNY Dalglish (kanan) mengendali latihan para pemainnya di
Melwood, Liverpool pada 8 Disember lalu.
LONDON - Kenapa Standard Chartered Bank memilih Liverpool, bukan kelab lain untuk ditaja? Kenapa Liverpool yang kali terakhir menjulang piala pada 2005 dalam perlawanan akhir Piala Juara-juara Eropah di Istanbul dan Piala FA Inggeris pada 2006 dipilih? Dan kali terakhir Liverpool memenangi Liga Inggeris ialah pada 1990.
Ketua Hal Ehwal Korporat Kumpulan, Gavin Laws yang merupakan orang yang bertanggungjawab membentangkan idea penajaan kelab bola sepak kepada Lembaga Pengarah bank itu kira-kira dua tahun lalu, ada jawapannya.
REINA "MOHON MAAF" (kepada peminat di Malaysia)
Oleh Johardy Ibrahim (melaporkan dari Liverpool, United Kingdom)

Johardy (kiri) bersama Pepe Reina dalam satu temu bual
eksklusif di Liverpool, semalam.
LIVERPOOL – Penjaga gol kelab bola sepak Liverpool, Pepe Reina ‘meminta maaf’ kepada para penyokong kelab tersebut dan peminatnya di Malaysia kerana tidak menyertai skuad berkenaan semasa berkunjung ke tanah air pada Julai lalu.
‘‘Saya mengalami kecederaan ketika itu dan perlu menjalani rawatan. Saya memohon maaf kepada para peminat di Malaysia. Saya mendengar cerita teman-teman dan membaca laporan mengenai sambutan hebat yang diterima oleh pasukan.
‘‘Tentunya saya sangat bangga dengan sokongan itu dan saya harap sokongan berterusan dari para peminat,” katanya kepada Mingguan Malaysia semasa sesi khas soal jawab di pusat latihan Liverpool yang dikelola bersama Standard Chartered Bank di Melwood di sini semalam.
Reina berkata, beliau juga berharap akan dapat kembali ke Asia di masa akan datang untuk menemui para peminat di sana.
23 December 2011
The past few days was extremely busy for me. Thus, making it impossible for me to update this blog as much as I would, especially with the ban on Luis Suarez and the lousy draw against Wigan Athletic. I had so many chores to attend to, and the other reason is to prepare the articles of my trip to Liverpool during the match against Queen's Park Rangers on December 10.
A buddy asked me why I was so slow in updating the blog. My only explanation is that I have to ensure that the main articles are to be published FIRST in Utusan Malaysia, then only the rest would be uploaded here. It cannot be the other way around. So at last, the articles plus photos, will be printed in Utusan Malaysia tomorrow, December 24 on page 32. Above is the photo of the lay-out.
Some of you who can read Bahasa Malaysia understand that the article is very much on the Standard Chartered Bank's story of why did they chose Liverpool FC as their investment partner. It is important to understand the dynamic that existed and blossomed between the two parties as the partnership were established. The articles are quoting the bank's Chairman, Sir John Peace and the Group's Head of Corporate Affairs, Gavin Laws who is instrumental in coming up with the idea to sponsor a football club and presented to the Board of Directors, who then ordered him to proceed, which then of course, ended up in a synergies relationship with the iconic football club of ours, Liverpool FC.
18 December 2011
This is the Big Ear, the 5th we got and it is placed in the lobby of LFC's training centre in Melwood, Liverpool. |
16 December 2011
Justice for Luis Suarez
Today, Luis Suarez should know his fate, pertaining to the accusation made by the moron in the blue shirt above, that the Uruguayan had uttered a racially abusive word against the French chap.
I am all against racial abused or anything that perceived as a direct bigotry, including ethnic and religious profiling. I am commenting on Suarez not because I have any law background to stifle such accusations or that I think Suarez is guilty. This is simply because the case is very weak. It is Patrice Evra's word against Suarez. There were not witnesses, and it wasn't even recorded by the referee during the match. It was only made known after the moron, reported the matter to his manager who then together they lodged the case to him.
Suarez flatly denies the FA charge of using ‘abusive and/or insulting words
and/or behaviour’ towards Evra when the teams met at Anfield in October and any
suggestion that his comments ‘included a reference to the ethnic origin and/or
colour and/or race’ of his opponent.
15 December 2011
Say NO to Fernando Torres's U-Turn to Anfield

- INCITED by the UK media claiming that Chelsea is ready to sale Fernando Torres for a mere £20 million (that is more than 55% of his original selling price by Liverpool to Chelsea in January at £50 million), the whole cybersphere were buzzing with the news.
- Among the LFC die hard fans, apparently there are many still sane and holding tight to our honour, thus objecting to any notions for the returning of Torres to LFC... be it £20 million or £2 !!!...
- Some queried me: what's the different with the departure of Ian Rush to an Italian club in 1980's and his returned to Anfield after a season. My simple response is that Rush left our club with hopes in our heart, unlike Torres who we asked for his wisdom to stay put and help to rejuvenate the club in times of need. He left even it has been announced of the imminent arrival of the new club owner and the appointment of Kenny Dalglish.
14 December 2011

I am indeed a very lucky Liverpool fan this year. I was selected by Standard Chartered Bank (Malaysia) with two other media representatives to watch the match thought to be Tony Fernandes (owner of QPR) against Liverpool. But in the end it was a show of Luis Suarez!
Updates!!!... Post-anfield visit
l shall update this blog tonight. There will be some interesting topic for all of us to discuss, in particular pertaining to the statehood of a fan club here in Malaysia. l just got home and need to sleep for a few hours (still jetlag). Until then, YNWA!
08 December 2011
Three days to topple the Queen
I'm blogging from the Standard Chartered Bank Headquarters in Basinghall in London now. Not really covering any specific business news but to meet the Chairman Sir John Peace in a few minutes. I'm here in London, on my way to Liverpool to watch another crunch match between Liverpool Football Club against Queens Park Rangers this Saturday. Since I'm doing this a bit impromptu, I will only upload the photo when I have the chance tomorrow in Liverpool. Until then, do follow my journey til the match day on Saturday. YNWA!
03 December 2011
Lucas Leiva will be missed (temporarily til he recover)

02 December 2011
LFC vs Fulham 6 December 2011 4am Malaysian time

This is an unfortunate timing for many Liverpool fans on this side of the world and in particular, Malaysia where my crib is situated. Yes, the kick-off is at a freaking 4am on a weekday (Tuesday) Malaysian time (8pm in UK, add 8 hours). While the momentum has been steadily built for the last three matches, this Fulham match is too costly for me to miss. Yes, I will have issues with my sleeping time, and it will be worst because I will be travelling on a jet plane a few hours later. I guess I will be sleeping through the whole journey.
I don't really bothered what Fulham is preparing for the match because from what I have seen, we have sufficient firepower even in our supposedly-second team of Carling Cup to crumple Chelsea. Of course, the next match King Kenny would definitely fielding our 1st eleven. It is a bad time for Fulham to face LFC, even Craven Cottage's full house support won't be sufficient for the likes of Luis Suarez to run amok.
However, one man I wish to see in the starting line-up is the man below:

Apex hanya memandang bahagia kepada Sinaga Ferdinand yang gagal menyumbat sepakan penalti yang berakhir dengan skuad Harimau Muda meraih pingat emas acara bola sepak Sukan Sea di Stadium Gelora Bung Karno di Jakarta pada 21 November lalu.
Tarikh siaran di Mingguan Malaysia 27/11/2011
PASTI ramai daripada kita tersenyum bila membaca berita Persatuan Bola Sepak Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) mengemukakan aduan mengenai mutu pengadilan warga Jepun, Minoru Tojo semasa perlawanan akhir merebut pingat emas Sukan Sea antara negara itu dengan skuad Harimau Muda Malaysia. Kalau tidak tersenyum pun, pasti kita jadi meluat.
Bukan kita hendak membela Tojo. Bukannya Tojo tidak ada cacat-celanya di mata penyokong Malaysia. Keputusan lemahnya yang sekadar melayangkan kad kuning kepada pemain Indonesia yang terang-terang melakukan aksi menjunam untuk cuba mendapatkan sepakan penalti, adalah amat menjengkelkan. Malah jika hendak bercerita mengenai mutu pengadilan warga Emiriah Arab Bersatu semasa perlawanan Malaysia-Indonesia di separuh akhir, lagi tambah-tambah menjengkelkan. Pemain Indonesia yang ketinggalan 0-1 ketika itu bagaikan mensasarkan kaki pemain Malaysia, bukan bola tetapi kaki. Taktik mereka itu berjaya bila tiga pemain utama Harimau cedera menyebabkan mereka tidak diturunkan semasa perlawanan akhir.
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The GOLDEN Team of Kenny Daglish

If we have them now, say farewell to Arsenal, Man.U and Chelsea... if...