I guess we're a bit lucky that the city of Liverpool boast 2 top clubs in the Premier League. One is obviously gigantic than the other but in the oldest FA competition in the world, somehow the small club managed to beat Liverpool. It's okay. It already passed.
So, I think it would be fine if we support Everton tonight, since they are facing the same nemesis in Manchester United. Agree? So I won't be called a traitor? hahaha...
On paper, man to man Everton is obviously light weighted than Man.U. But the small club does have some creative players though we also can call them `The Alumni Reject of Man.U'. The likes of Neville, Tim, Saha (and Moyes himself) that became the backbone of the team. So it must be a great spectacle tonight.
I'm will not write too long on this. It's almost noon and the humidity is rising. I must take my shower now. hehehe... Go Everton! Go Small Club! Make the Merseyside proud once in your history by eliminating Man.U tonight!
manure wins, better I think. More games for them to worry about and who knows, they might drop points in the league
wah! kena approve comment aa?
sori lah bro. I have to implement this because I have to stop the personal attacks on me. It should be on the basis of fans vs fans. Not fans against the blogger. The idea of blogging is still at its infancy. That's why we need time to educate everyone, including those Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal fans who come to visit us here!
Mersyside menang kot...
aku suke gambar dalam entri ni..tak terfikir plak bleh sama hahahaha
ye ke? aku ambik kat google je... hahaha... tau dah mana kau memancing. Aku kena cari kat laut lain daaaa
ehhh aku belek 2 blog kau takda pun? ohhh kau maksudkan gambar tu `sama' yek? mana lah aku faham bahasa ringkas orang muda zaman sekarang. kesian aku...
gambar monyet ngan watak simpsons tu....tak terpikir lak bleh matching..untuk ferguson takde??
Jangan kutuk Moyes. Kita kena tumpang bangga dia dapat tundukkan Man.U. Maklumlah, jiran sepakat bawa berkat. hahahaha
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