- Strange it may appear but every time I saw the schedule and read : Wolves vs LFC, my mind would instantly thinking of the strong song by Metallica: Of Wolf and Men.
- Basically, if you read the lyrics as slow as you can be, you'll find that it's a story fit for the TWILIGHT movies. hihihi... However, at 3.45am (Malaysian time), the Wolverhampton will be a misfit and running for cover as Liverpool shall dominate the game and take away the precious 3 points.
- I really hope so because I intend to watch it, after missing the win against Tottenham last week. Hope you'll joint me and take a few minutes to read the lyric below: suggest you switch on the music concurrently. Don't have it? Just YouTube.
Off through the new day's mist I run
Out from the new day's mist I have come
I hunt
Therefore I am
Harvest the land
Taking the fallen lamb
Off through the new day's mist I run
Out from the new day's mist I have come
We shift
Pulsing the earth
Company we keep
Roaming the land while you sleep
Shape shift, Nose to the wind
Shape shift, Feeling I've been
Move swift, All senses clean
Earth's gift, Back to the meaning of life
Bright is the moon high in starlight
Chill in the air cold as steel tonight
We shift
Call of the wind
Fear in your eyes
It's later than you realized
Shape shift, Nose to the wind
Shape shift, Feeling I've been
Move swift, All senses clean
Earth's gift, Back to the meaning of life
I feel a change
Back to a better day
Shape shift
Hair stands on the back of my neck
Shape shift
In wildness is the preservation of the world
So seek the wolf in thyself
Shape shift, Nose to the wind
Shape shift, Feeling I've been
Move swift, All senses clean
Earth's gift,
Back to the meaning of life
Back to the meaning of wolf and men
There wasnt a single shot at goal by Liverpool after 45 min. But then what can we expect. This is Rafa's LFC, forever clueless, just like the manager.
Budak umur 3 tahun pun tau Benitez ialah manager yang tak guna..hahaha
We have a manager with a sickening mindset@mentality. No wonder we keep getting sickening results. Serves us right.
Blame it on the owners again?
alamak... Mat Anony (anti-Rafa) datang kasi flooded lagi daaa...
Guna three different language pun kita boleh agak penulisnya orang yang sama.
Takpa la. This is the name of the game. Kalah, menang, seri. Take it with stride and pride. Takkan menang ko diam, bila tak menang ko hentam. Itu budaya malaysiakini
habis tu budaya utusan jilat apa?
anony, kalau anak jantan, ko telefon pejabat aku, lepas tu kita cari lokasi dan kita buktikan kejantanan. tapi ko takkan berani. sebab ko penakut bacul.
Oleh itu, kau tak dialu-alukan kat sini. sila berambus.
Bro Gary,
Khan ada bagitau yang anti-fara ni pun dah flooding blog dia. Hantu ni ada kacau blog kau? Pelik sungguh. Takpa. Lepas ni, I shall delete je comment yang hentam rafa or me. Ingat ni forum rakyat boleh sesuka hati bantai. Ini forum Liverpool dan hanya untuk penyokong setia Liverpool. Tak perlu terikut-ikut trend media UK yang nak sangat Rafa keluar dari EPL.
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