You'll Never Walk Alone in Malaysia. utusanlfc is a blog for Liverpool FC Fanatics & Hardcores since August 2007. If you're a fan of Manchester United, leave NOW.
31 December 2011
The REAL unsung hero: Martin Skrtel
30 December 2011
SIR STEVEN GERRARD, please rise!
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Steven Gerrard in a perfect composure taking a lethal shot... |
29 December 2011
Suarez's middle finger to FA
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A friend is selling the t-shirt wore by Suarez and the squad during the match warmed-up against Wigan. I have ordered 20 set. Do you want it? Offer valid in Malaysia only. |
28 December 2011
A true Liverpool fan stays loyal to the team in all weathers
WE ARE LIVERPOOL! (lobby of LFC's training centre in Melwood, Liverpool on Dec 8, 2011) |
27 December 2011
26 December 2011
LFC goes to USA in 2012 summer, not Asia
Christmas Day in Astro Arena Studio LIVE
No bro, I'm not surrendering my Suarez's scarf to you, Hafizan Hashim. |
Before the start of Grand Stand LIVE talk show on Astro Arena channel 801 on Christmas Day. From left is Norliza Kamaruddin, Mohd Rizal Hashim, Hafizan Hashim and Chow Yuen Fatt. |
I love my Anthem jacket. HAHAHAH |
Frankly, I am a bit reluctant to appear on the television. The rules of thumb is that once I got the invite, I have to inform my superior and get the green light. That's nothing really. But if the topic is a general topic or politics, I am so afraid to say things that may deemed as not in lined with the company's policy or worst, been laughed at. Which reminds me of the movie The King's Speech.
However, when Zainal Abidin Rawop invited me to participate in the Grand Stand talk show at 2.30pm on Channel 801 Astro Arena yesterday (Christmas Day), I didn't really have qualms or what so ever. The topic is not only on my hands but also very close to my heart. Together with Standard Chartered Bank's Country Head of Corporate Affairs, Mdm Norliza Kamaruddin, we will be talking on Liverpool for 30 mins on LIVE telecast. So I am okay with it.
Ulasan Kes Luis Suarez
Bila mulut bawa padah adalah tajuk yang disiar di Mingguan Malaysia dan dipilih oleh Pengarang MM. Tajuk asal saya adalah `menangani isu rasisme dalam bola sepak'.
BEGITU bingit isu penyerang Liverpool FC, Luis Suarez didapati bersalah menuturkan perkataan perkauman atau rasis terhadap kapten Manchester United, Patrice Evra minggu ini. Suarez dikenakan hukuman penggantungan lapan permainan dan denda 40,000 pounds (RM200,000).
Isu itu menjadi rumit kerana banyak pihak tidak mengendahkan bantahan Liverpool FC terhadap kaedah yang digunakan oleh Persatuan Bolasepak Inggeris atau FA tidak sama seperti kaedah konvensional amalan mahkamah sivil.
Ramai yang memilih untuk melihat Suarez sudah didapati bersalah semata-mata dan mahu dia menjalani hukuman tersebut, selain menjadikannya kes contoh kepada semua yang terlibat atau meminati bola sepak Inggeris.
Kes serupa dihadapi oleh kapten Chelsea, John Terry yang dituduh menuturkan perkataan seumpamanya kepada Anton Ferdinand dari kelab Queen's Park Rangers, yang juga adik pemain Manchester United, Rio Ferdinand.
Tiada kelab penyokong rasmi LFC di Malaysia
Pengurus Rakan Kongsi LFC, Stephanie Wong ketika ditemui Utusan Malaysia di pusat latihan LFC di Melwood berkata, beliau berperanan menyelia aktiviti LFC dengan pelbagai pihak di rantau Asia.
''Namun, LFC tidak menjalin hubungan rasmi dengan mana-mana kelab penyokong di Malaysia, walaupun pernah sebelum ini,'' katanya.
Keadaan tersebut ujarnya, tidak memberi masalah besar kerana LFC sememangnya mengetahui terdapat dua juta penyokong di Malaysia.
Kelab juga menawarkan keahlian rasmi LFC yang boleh dipohon secara dalam talian bagi peminat di Malaysia iaitu
Liverpool FC bantu pertumbuhan bank
KEDAI menjual barangan rasmi Liverpool FC dan Muzium LFC di
Stadium Anfield.
LONDON – Standard Chartered Bank yakin penajaannya terhadap kelab bola sepak terkenal, Liverpool akan membantu pertumbuhan bank itu di pasaran-pasaran baru muncul di Asia, Afrika dan Asia Barat.
Pengerusinya, Sir John Peace berkata, kewujudan bank itu melebihi seabad di Asia dan Afrika terutamanya, menjadi bekalan kekuatan baginya untuk menghadapi suasana ketidaktentuan ekonomi global dan krisis hutang zon euro pada masa ini.
“Sebagai sebuah bank, kami melihat peluang-peluang perniagaan terhasil daripada ketidaktentuan ekonomi global. Memandang ke tahun depan, kami pasti dan secara strategik akan terus dan menjangka untuk mencatat pertumbuhan dalam pasaran-pasaran yang kami telah bertapak,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian dalam taklimat kepada media yang menyertai lawatan anjuran bank itu ke ibu pejabat Standard Chartered di Basinghall Avenue, London, baru-baru ini.
Bank berpangkalan di London itu kini memberi tumpuan ke pasaran Asia, Asia Barat dan Afrika, yang menyumbang kepada lebih 90 peratus perolehan dan keuntungannya.
Sinergi jitu Standard Chartered dan Liverpool FC
LONDON - Kenapa Standard Chartered Bank memilih Liverpool, bukan kelab lain untuk ditaja? Kenapa Liverpool yang kali terakhir menjulang piala pada 2005 dalam perlawanan akhir Piala Juara-juara Eropah di Istanbul dan Piala FA Inggeris pada 2006 dipilih? Dan kali terakhir Liverpool memenangi Liga Inggeris ialah pada 1990.
Ketua Hal Ehwal Korporat Kumpulan, Gavin Laws yang merupakan orang yang bertanggungjawab membentangkan idea penajaan kelab bola sepak kepada Lembaga Pengarah bank itu kira-kira dua tahun lalu, ada jawapannya.
REINA "MOHON MAAF" (kepada peminat di Malaysia)
LIVERPOOL – Penjaga gol kelab bola sepak Liverpool, Pepe Reina ‘meminta maaf’ kepada para penyokong kelab tersebut dan peminatnya di Malaysia kerana tidak menyertai skuad berkenaan semasa berkunjung ke tanah air pada Julai lalu.
‘‘Saya mengalami kecederaan ketika itu dan perlu menjalani rawatan. Saya memohon maaf kepada para peminat di Malaysia. Saya mendengar cerita teman-teman dan membaca laporan mengenai sambutan hebat yang diterima oleh pasukan.
‘‘Tentunya saya sangat bangga dengan sokongan itu dan saya harap sokongan berterusan dari para peminat,” katanya kepada Mingguan Malaysia semasa sesi khas soal jawab di pusat latihan Liverpool yang dikelola bersama Standard Chartered Bank di Melwood di sini semalam.
Reina berkata, beliau juga berharap akan dapat kembali ke Asia di masa akan datang untuk menemui para peminat di sana.
23 December 2011
18 December 2011
This is the Big Ear, the 5th we got and it is placed in the lobby of LFC's training centre in Melwood, Liverpool. |
16 December 2011
Justice for Luis Suarez
15 December 2011
Say NO to Fernando Torres's U-Turn to Anfield

- INCITED by the UK media claiming that Chelsea is ready to sale Fernando Torres for a mere £20 million (that is more than 55% of his original selling price by Liverpool to Chelsea in January at £50 million), the whole cybersphere were buzzing with the news.
- Among the LFC die hard fans, apparently there are many still sane and holding tight to our honour, thus objecting to any notions for the returning of Torres to LFC... be it £20 million or £2 !!!...
- Some queried me: what's the different with the departure of Ian Rush to an Italian club in 1980's and his returned to Anfield after a season. My simple response is that Rush left our club with hopes in our heart, unlike Torres who we asked for his wisdom to stay put and help to rejuvenate the club in times of need. He left even it has been announced of the imminent arrival of the new club owner and the appointment of Kenny Dalglish.
14 December 2011

Updates!!!... Post-anfield visit
08 December 2011
Three days to topple the Queen
03 December 2011
Lucas Leiva will be missed (temporarily til he recover)

02 December 2011
LFC vs Fulham 6 December 2011 4am Malaysian time

I don't really bothered what Fulham is preparing for the match because from what I have seen, we have sufficient firepower even in our supposedly-second team of Carling Cup to crumple Chelsea. Of course, the next match King Kenny would definitely fielding our 1st eleven. It is a bad time for Fulham to face LFC, even Craven Cottage's full house support won't be sufficient for the likes of Luis Suarez to run amok.
However, one man I wish to see in the starting line-up is the man below:

PASTI ramai daripada kita tersenyum bila membaca berita Persatuan Bola Sepak Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) mengemukakan aduan mengenai mutu pengadilan warga Jepun, Minoru Tojo semasa perlawanan akhir merebut pingat emas Sukan Sea antara negara itu dengan skuad Harimau Muda Malaysia. Kalau tidak tersenyum pun, pasti kita jadi meluat.
Bukan kita hendak membela Tojo. Bukannya Tojo tidak ada cacat-celanya di mata penyokong Malaysia. Keputusan lemahnya yang sekadar melayangkan kad kuning kepada pemain Indonesia yang terang-terang melakukan aksi menjunam untuk cuba mendapatkan sepakan penalti, adalah amat menjengkelkan. Malah jika hendak bercerita mengenai mutu pengadilan warga Emiriah Arab Bersatu semasa perlawanan Malaysia-Indonesia di separuh akhir, lagi tambah-tambah menjengkelkan. Pemain Indonesia yang ketinggalan 0-1 ketika itu bagaikan mensasarkan kaki pemain Malaysia, bukan bola tetapi kaki. Taktik mereka itu berjaya bila tiga pemain utama Harimau cedera menyebabkan mereka tidak diturunkan semasa perlawanan akhir.
21 June 2011
Kisah benar Nang Nak di Kulim

Published 19 June 2011 Mingguan Malaysia
PADA sekitar 1950-an, Ismail Omar atau dikenali sebagai Pak Meh atau Meh Pok merupakan anggota polis dalam PVR atau Sukarelawan Polis di daerah Kulim, Kedah. PVR walaupun ‘sukarela’ pada era sebelum dan be berapa tahun selepas Merdeka, ada yang menjawat jawatan itu secara tetap dan fungsi PVR wujud hingga ke hari ini. Pak Meh menjalankan tugas seperti polis biasa, lengkap dengan balai, kuasa menangkap dan sebagainya.
Tugasnya membawa beliau ke segenap penjuru daerah Kulim dan pada 1950-an, ia adalah pekan kecil dengan penduduknya tinggal di kawasan berjarak jauh antara satu dengan yang lain. Satu hari, Pak Meh menerima aduan daripada seorang lelaki bernama Mat (bukan nama sebenar) yang melaporkan kematian seorang lagi anaknya setelah kematian dua anaknya dua tahun berturut-turut sebelum ini.
Lazimnya, laporan kematian pada era pra-Kemerdekaan di kampung-kampung akan diterima, dicatat dan dikeluarkan sijil pengesahan kematian, melainkan wujud elemen kesangsian yang tinggi dalam sesuatu laporan. Dalam kes Mat ini, Pak Meh mendapati wujud elemen tersebut. Tiga anak Mat mati setiap tahun berturut-turut. Kes itu dirujuk Pak Meh kepada OCPD Polis British yang menyokong cadangannya agar kes itu diselidik lebih lanjut. Apakah kematian mereka berkaitan wabak penyakit, binatang buas atau jena yah?
Pak Meh terpaksa meredah hutan untuk sampai ke rumah Mat, yang menunggu kedatangannya. Sepan jang masa di situ, isteri Mat langsung tidak kelihatan walaupun Mat mengakui dia ada di dalam. Tidak mengapa, segan atau masih sugul agaknya. Pak Meh walaupun berpegang pada prinsip kepolisan dalam mengumpul fakta, terdetik rasa ke anehan pada kawasan sekitar rumah Mat. Pak Meh memberitahu Mat yang dia akan kembali esok untuk meneruskan siasatan.
Pak Meh tidak memberitahu Mat bahawa dia membawa Pak Din yang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai alam jin. Di rumah Mat, Pak Meh meminta Mat memanggil isterinya tetapi dia enggan menunjukkan diri. Pak Din memberi isyarat pada Pak Meh supaya beredar. Tanpa pengetahuan Mat, Pak Din telah meninggalkan sebiji telur rebus dan limau purut di perkarangan rumah Mat. Esoknya, mereka kembali dan mendapati telur itu telah ‘dimakan’. Pak Din berkata memang ada ‘sesuatu’ di sini. Malah, Mat memberitahu Pak Meh anak ketiganya yang mati ada kesan luka di leher.
Ketika mereka bertiga berbual di bawah tangga (rumah orang Melayu tradisional), tidak semena-mena kelihatan tangan dari kawasan dapur keluar dan turun memungut sudu di atas tanah. Dan jarak antara aras lantai rumah dengan tanah adalah 1.524 meter. Kejadian itu dilihat oleh ketiga-tiga mereka. Dan bagaikan satu cahaya, Mat tersedar ba hawa orang yang disangka isterinya adalah satu jelmaan Iblis. Selama ini, Mat diperdaya mata oleh Iblis yang menjelma menjadi isterinya.
Siasatan rapi Pak Meh mendapati isteri Mat sebenarnya sudah mati tiga tahun lalu ketika melahirkan anak, dan sejak itu Iblis menjelma sebagai isteri Mat dan menjalani kehidupan seperti biasa tetapi jika tidak kerana kematian anak, kisah ini tidak akan diketahui.
‘Bapa saya cerita kisah ini masa saya kecil lagi, jadi bila saya tonton filem seram Nang Nak, terus saya teringat cerita bapa. Ini kisah benar!,” kata Yusoff semasa sesi teh tarik baru-baru ini. Mujur sesi tersebut berlangsung waktu sarapan. Jika tengah malam, Yusoff kena hantar saya balik sampai depan pagar rumah.
Nang Nak adalah filem hantu Siam yang diterbitkan pada 1999. Saya menontonnya hanya satu setengah kali pada tahun 2000. ‘Setengah’ kerana saya hentikannya separuh bila saya tersedar menonton Nang Nak seorang diri adalah keputusan tidak waras pada tengah malam. Lazimnya untuk menyiapkan artikel berkaitan filem atau selebriti, saya perlu menonton semula sesuatu filem sebagai kajian atau cergaskan kembali ingatan tetapi kerana Nang Nak, saya yakin saya masih ingat tahap seram maksimum yang dirasai. Tak berani pun ada juga.
Filem Nang Nak boleh disifatkan sebagai pencetus revolusi genre seram. Ia menggabungkan elemen romantik yang teguh yakni tebalnya kasih seorang isteri yang bila mati, menjelma semula untuk membaha giakan suaminya yang baru kembali dari medan perang. Moralnya: bagi yang bercinta, janganlah bersumpah setia sehidup semati. Nanti dua-dua mati, anak yang merana yatim pia tu. Atau lebih haru, yang mati men jelma kembali...
Elemen utama Nang Nak ialah adegan seram yang memaparkan puntianak bertenggek di bumbung kuil hinggakan sami-sami ketakutan. Adegan ini tidak mencetuskan keinginan untuk ketawa kepada penonton kerana sudut gambar dengan muzik latar bergema dengan bunyi kesan khas, membawa penonton bagaikan duduk bersama sami - ketakutan sambil mendongak ke bumbung melihat puntianak mahu menerkam.
Di akhir babak filem ini, pengarahnya Nonzee Nimibutr masih mampu menyelitkan unsur kesedi han walaupun beberapa minit sebelum itu, penonton menutup mata dengan tangan tiap kali hantu Nak muncul. Sami perlu memecahkan tempurung kepala Nak bagi memas tikan ia tidak dikuasai roh jahatnya. Setelah berjaya melemahkan hantu Nak dan sami bersedia untuk meng hapuskannya, tibalah babak sedih apabila Nak melahirkan rasa cinta nya pada suaminya Mak. Merayu-rayu. Merintih-rintih. Dan inilah resipi yang membawa kepada populariti filem Nang Nak dan legenda itu sendiri, hinggakan pada 2005, versi bahasa Inggeris Ghost of Mae Nak menyusul.
Seperti kisah Pak Meh di Kulim tersebut, filem Nang Nak adalah legenda rakyat yang popular di Thailand, disebut Mae Nak Phra Kha nong. Malah, terdapat satu kuil khusus untuk Nak di On Nut, Sukhumvit Soi 77 di daerah Suang Luang di Bangkok.
Terfikir juga, seandainya kisah di Kulim itu dijadikan filem oleh pengarah filem Malaysia, apakah ia men jadi sehebat Nang Nak Siam? Atau diolah men jadi satira seperti Hantu Kak Limah?
11 April 2011
Sorry again
27 January 2011
Is Suarez really coming?

- Born on January 24, 1987 in Salto, Uruguay's sixth largest city, has played for his national team since 2007 (as well as leading the line for Dutch side Ajax).
- One of seven children brought up by a single mother, he began his professional career at Montevideo side Nacional in 2005. During his time with the club under the management of ConCon, he won the national championship in 2006, scoring 12 goals in 29 appearances.
- Luis's older brother Paolo is also a professional football player.
- He was just 19 when he moved to the Netherlands with Eredivisie side Groningen, transferring to Ajax two years later.
- Luis married Sofia Balbi, his childhood sweetheart, in 2009.
- In 2010, Suarez was named Dutch Footballer of the Year, having ended the season as top scorer in the Eredivisie with 35 goals in 33 league matches (49 goals in all competitions).
- In August 2010, Luis's wife gave birth in Barcelona to a daughter named Delfina. In the same year, he joined the likes of Johan Cruyff, Marco van Basten, and Dennis Bergkamp in a select group of players who have scored more than than 100 goals for Ajax in competitive matches.
- Part of Uruguay's final squad of 23 participating in the 2010 World Cup, Suarez was a starter in all three of the country's group matches in the tournament.
- During the 2010 World Cup, Suarez made six appearances, scored three goals, played for 543 minutes and received one red card.
- He gained worldwide notoriety during the quarter-final match against Ghana, where he handled the ball on the line in the last minute of extra time. He also celebrated Asamoah Gyan's subsequent penalty miss, which sent the match to penalty kicks and led to Ghana's elimination from the tournament.
26 January 2011
Malaysiakini says Merseyside Derby is Real Madrid vs Barcelona
The picture above is not the new director of football development for Liverpool Football Club but one thing for sure, he has made a fool of himself among the Liverpool fans, and Everton plus Barcelona and Real Madrid.
This fella is Abdul Rahim Sabri, a writer for the so-called `accurate' and `free from government's influence' news portal, the infamous Malaysiakini. Apparently, in trying to create creativity by analysing an upcoming by-election, the novice writer mix-in some football analogy. But he's effort is best categorised as lame as Roy Hodgson's tactical acumen.
In the opening paragraph, the sorry-writer stated ``Merseyside Derby between Real Madrid and Barcelona''. Where? at Bernabeau, Madrid, Spain. For what? La Liga Championship.
Oh My God!...
The original text was written in Bahasa Malaysia :
``Pertembungan BN dan PAS dalam pilihan raya kecil DUN Tenang umpama perlawanan 'Merseyside Derby' antara Real Madrid dan Barcelona di Stadium Barnabeau, Madrid, Sepanyol untuk perlawanan penentuan kejuaraan La Liga.''
The weirdness of his article continues when he described Barcelona as ``an underdog team''. The true fans would laugh aloud to read this. Even those who are not watching La Liga could tell which club are best to be categorised as the underdog among the football clubs. Barcelona is definitely NOT an underdog team. Stupid.
And have you ever heard of a Real Madrid's player by the name of ''Gucci''? I've seen ex-Real, Beckham & Zidane modelled for LV but Gucci?
I have no interest in the political content of the article. Why should I read the whole piece when the first thing you read was a grossly misleading reference to the Merseyside entity? I don't thing it is an insult to Liverpool fans, nor Everton. But we feel sad for the writer who only managed to make a fool of himself.
The fluke only highlighted few things that this writer is tremendously a lousy one who :
a) doesn't play football (in Malaysia we called them KAKI BANGKU)
b) a really really lazy arm-chair writer (cut & paste)
c) a novice writer who is trying to write something which is not meant for him yet (football!)
d) shows the level of editorship in Malaysiakini because his boss released the news for publication, and in a way proves that the editor himself is zero-knowledge of football (pathetic)
e) he is anything but a Manchester United fan.
Lastly, I strongly advised the Malaysiakini editor to instruct Abdul Rahim Sabri to start doing his research before starting any article in the future, be it on football or what ever he wants. Without proper research, your reputation is as good as shattered and making an arse of yourself.
Malaysiakini, to assist your football-zero knowledge editors & writers to understand what is `Merseyside Derby', I cut & paste below the correct definition from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The Merseyside derby is the name given to any football match contested between Everton and Liverpool football clubs, the two most successful clubs from the city of Liverpool in England.
17 January 2011
Liverpool 2 - Everton 2 (The real Jay Spearing, pls stand up !!!)

- If only Fernando Torres's shot didn't hit the post, if only the ball had gone in, if only we can stop feeling sorry to our sorry state at the moment, if only the gloomy feeling we're have been experiencing far too long could be thrown away... if only.
- Is one point sufficient? We were completely in control in the first half but all the confidence seems to evaporate within 5 minutes of the second half. What the hell happened? I rather not prolonged my rant here. Not my style. After all, if I were to read this posting again in 10 years time, I really don't want to see myself writing negatively about my own team. So better don't.
- Now, when I first saw the team sheet on the net, one name emerged as an outstanding homegrown player. Jay Spearing. This is the kid who has been nurtured by Rafa Benitez, somewhat ignored by Roy Hodgson and now, used for the first time by our new manager, Kenny Dalglish (excuse me, our interim manager).
- He was chosen perfectly for this derby match which has produced the most yellow & red cards over the years. Spearing was true blood English style player. Even with his not-so-tall height, he still managed to unsettle the Everton strikers, Anichebe & Benford. Anichebe for one, built like a boxer or a rugby player but hell no, that doesn't stop Spearing at all. Of course, there were times when he miscued and misplaced the ball altogether. But as the game moves on, he was tackling left and right. That got noticed not only by the fans in the stadium but also me, here in Malaysia, some 13,000 km away!
- If Jay Spearing perfected his game (and retain by Liverpool), my God... he is the reincarnation of Mascherano that we have been looking for all along. Stand up Spearing. You deserve our salute!
16 January 2011
Seksi jadikan diri penuh keyakinan

SIAPAKAH yang pertama anda terfikir bila perkataan 'seksi' disebutkan? Jika lelaki, apakah Megan Fox berada di kedudukan nombor satu carta peribadi anda? Kalau wanita, apakah Robert Pattinson jauh meninggalkan David Beckham?
Soalan di atas tercetus dan terdorong oleh kehebohan minggu lalu berkaitan seorang artis tempatan yang tersiar gambarnya berpakaian bikini. Apa salahnya? Pertama, dia berpakaian bikini di pantai, bukan di pejabat. Kedua, dia ada badan seksi hendak mengenakan baju bikini. Lainlah kalau badan penuh panau atau lemak berlipat-lipat di lokasi strategik. Itu bukan seksi. Itu ngeri dan sangat geli. Soal moral dan agama, dia dah jawab 'No Comment!'.
Sila klik: utusan Malaysia Online - Rencana
LFC can beat Everton

- I was away for a few days last week, thus making me unable to update this blog. This may sounds a crap excuses but with the lousy result in the two matches, there's not much to comment even.
- However, tonight is one of the crunch match that is hyper interesting and many of us would positioned the derby at number 2, after Manchester United - every season.
- I didn't bother to visit their stadium during my historical personal visit to Liverpool last October. I didn't see any urgency to do so, nor importance. Though my buddy admitted that he is doing a part-time job at Gooddison, just because there was no vacancy over in Anfield. It's related to real survival, I won't say much. But when it concerns pure football, my buddy is as staunch as any of us in mocking the small-club neighbours.
- At L1, where the ultra-modern shopping mall is situated at Liverpool, the merchandise store of Liverpool & Everton are situated side by side. I went in to Liverpool's, of course but I opted for the Sport Direct mega store instead of Everton's store. It feels not right at all to step into the enemies shop.
- Kenny Dalglish has a rather torrid two early matches for him. But there won't be third time bad luck for him. Tonight (Malaysian time), King Kenny will emerged as the winner with his choice of players. If he retains his choice for the young players (Martin Kelly, Jonjo), no matter what the result is going to be, ultimately it shall be an entertaining one. We are desperately needing new players and if the young stocks be given more exposure, we might find what we're looking for in our own backyard. Let's sing it for team. YNWA !
09 January 2011
Kenny Dalglish : Get us back to where we belong!

- I was on the road Saturday when I got the news alert of the much-awaited dismissal of Roy Hodgson and at last, the appointment of Kenny Dalglish as the interim caretaker for the remaining season. While many of the fellow bloggers ran to their Internet connection to post their views, I ...on the other side, decided to carry on with my normal life programme today with my family. I even allow myself to watch Hawaii Five-O just now. (I like...!!!)
- I read with interest all the posting made by my fellow LFC bloggers here in Malaysia. For once, majority of us agreed that Hodgson must leave, contrary to the scenario during Rafael Benitez's era where I was among the few voices that went against the notion to expel him from Anfield, then. At least, during his time (except the last one), we win some away matches. In Hodgson's case, the away record was almost 99% ZERO and that's no way for any sympathy, not least by any sober-minded blogger like me, even!
- Now, I have nothing much to write about the Hodgson's failure and all I can say to him is : Good Bye. And that's it. No more about him in this blog.
- My focus is very much on the match tomorrow night (Malaysian time) against Manchester United in the FA Cup. Sir Alex Ferguson must be grinning with the latest fiasco befallen on his number 1 club nemesis and at the same time, would probably came out with a stinging criticism against the owner for sacking his old pal. Whatever! He's opinion on Liverpool doesn't make us losses any sleep, in fact we welcome it. Most of his venom has been used as an antidote to spur the players and uplifting their game.
- This is what we simply want from Steven Gerrard and Co tomorrow at Odd Deadfort stadium. With Kenny Dalglish standing at the side line, we know Torres would want to show the old master what he really can do in especially big matches such as against the self-proclaimed `the new unbeatable' of Manchester United. We will prevail.
07 January 2011
Against Manchester United, Sunday. A mountain too high to conquer?

This is a game we always looking forward to in every season. Be it in the premier league or other competition. This Sunday it will be FA Cup. The only true fight of all the fixtures this week.
But is it really really `a true fight' between titans? While ManUre is having a jolly good time at the top, Liverpool is lurking 2nd place at the bottom. Thus, the murky gloomy feelings we are having now and of course, the ultra-confidence among the freaking-monkey of Manchurian fans.
But what the heck? Gerrard couldn't score from the penalty spot in the dreaded match on Wednesday against Blackburn. Who knows if he had scored, the result could be even. But who cares about `if'?
While the chants and the protests among the Liverpool fans all over the world are getting louder by the minute for Roy Hodgson to leave LFC, it seems the club itself has its own mindset. The anticipation for his dismissal yesterday has not come to materialise. Apparently, the club doesn't want to rock the boat a couple of days before meeting ManUre. So be it. We know now King Kenny Dalglish is reluctant to be the caretaker. He needs to be persuaded harder. Perhaps, after the Sunday game he will take up the position, for the sake of the club and fans all over the world.
The fans have lost faith totally towards Hodgson's capability to handle our club. Just imagine the low spirit the players are enduring now and yet, in two days time they are facing ManUre. I hope they can elevate their performance and beat ManUre. Not for Hodgson but simply for the pride of it and of course, us the loyal fans.
06 January 2011
Roy Hodgson : YOUR TIME IS UP. Go NOW

- The anger, frustration and furious that we succumbed now has reached a level of beyond comprehension. One game we win, then the next we lost. The squad miserably lack of consistency. The only consistency now for Liverpool Football Club is to register a tremendous number of losses. A total of 9 matches. Should we be panic? Should we give Hodgson `a bit more' time? With the same number of Fernando Torres's jersey, we can kiss No.4 slot GOOD BYE. Are we seeing any progress? Hell no.
- Some would argue that while the manager is the easy target when ever his team is not registering any win, the blame must also goes down to the players. And in this case, those players who are paid multi-million pounds per year.
- Many of us now shouting, pleading for the sacking of Hodgson. Enough is enough. Is this just a spur of the moment reaction by the fans? I doubt so. Six months down the season, and the progress that we wish for, is not happening at all.
- Previously, Liverpool may slipped into bottom spot but it was due to the match differences or one-two losses, before climbing back to where it is supposed to be (at least top 6). Now look at the chart. OMG !!!
- There is no other reason for the club to delay Hodgson's dismissal. Next match is against Manchester United. Even if we win in that match, is Hodgson's job still can be retain? I doubt so. His time is up.
05 January 2011
Daniel Agger wants to leave?

‘But once I have made a few appearances and regained full fitness, I would expect to be starting games. If I’m not playing, I can’t see a reason for staying.
- Such statement was fast ``decipher'' by UK newspapers as a heavy hint from Daniel Agger as ``he is ready to quit'' Liverpool Football Club. Agger could be one of the better player bought by Rafa, as proven with his ability to create havoc from Liverpool's own backyard straight up to the opponents D-area.
- In fact, he assisted and even scored some memorable goals while charging onwards. One particular unforgettable goal was during the match against Wigan where he was beaten (and fooled) by an Egyptian striker Arm Zaki, which prompted him to do his own way in order to redeem himself. The game was a shocker, simply because Wigan was touted as a `small team' prior to the game. Most glaringly, it was Zaki's fast thinking that stole the ball from Agger to inflict sorrow onto Liverpool.
- For much of the time last season, Agger was in & out of the team sheet due to injury and some times, due to match fitness. I supposed Agger shouldn't be despair because this month we would see Liverpool fought 12 matches, so definitely Agger will have his lion share. I doubt if the manager would play him all the 12 matches for fear of injury, and there are Aurelio, Skrtel, Kyrgiakos while our Deputy Captain, Carragher is still recuperating from his shoulder injury.
- I like Agger simply because of his ability, not because of his looks or his tattoo. He was bought from Brondby because of his prowess of initiating attacks from the back, long distance passing skills and venomous shot. I'm sure every one of you won't forget that goal against Chelsea. Wowsieee...
- We're waiting anxiously for the `small business' to be executed in Anfield this month. While we're expecting the purchase of a proper strike-partner for Fernando Torres, I hope we don't have to sell Daniel Agger. Since we really really in need to have a cover for Torres, perhaps it is best to let go those players in the forward department only.
04 January 2011
03 January 2011
The rumour is brewing hot : Roy OUT: Dalglish IN

- If you're like me - it is a must to read the football news from the UK online newspapers every morning. And today, you'll find another rumour, another speculation alleging that ``NESV will fire Roy & take an interim manager for the rest of the season''. & who will that be? The reluctant yet widely popular, Mr Kenny Dalglish.
- There are so many arguments that we can put forward when debating on Dalglish return (if the UK newspaper's allegation turns out to be correct). So I won't go there.
- However, my focus would be on Dalglish as the living legend - with an impeccable record as the winning player & manager in Liverpool history. Imagine if things goes south by the month of May, his record would be forever tainted. Of course, if he managed to turn things around, the record could be added. But why take the risk? Look what happened to Alan Shearer in Newcastle.
- One thing we should try to understand is the difficulty in finding the right replacement in January : in the middle of the season. No other club would prepare to release any manager mid-way through, no matter how much money were offered.
- The ones that is available are those who failed at their respective clubs or couldn't get any back-up from the owner or loved by the fans. Which is precisely what is happening to Roy now...
This must not be the first & last goal from Joe Cole

- Joe Cole was was singled out as particularly hopeless in Roy Hodgson's post-match interviews after goalless draw against Utrecht last month. While he was absent most of them due to the red card on his debut, followed by a string of injuries, he was still missing even when Hodgson played him.
- Some might say it was the transition blues, experienced by many top players when they switched clubs. But six months is too expensive for Liverpool to be patience anymore. Fortunately, Joe Cole did regain some sweet reviews with the simple tapped in for the winning goal against Bolton Wanderers on Saturday.
- One critic suggested that during the World Cup, Fabio Capello had to ditch his 4-4-2 for 4-2-3-1 in order to accommodate Cole. When he eventually did come on against Slovenia and Germany, he was accorded one of the loudest roars of England's tournament, but was just as hopeless as everyone else.
- His decision to quit Chelsea for Anfield on a free transfer was meant to be one of the summer's biggest transfer coups, but it now looks like little more than a tragic waste of £80,000-a-week. (And having missed out on Cole, Harry Redknapp promptly lucked into an £8m deal for Rafael van der Vaart, who has shown what a real attacking midfielder looks like).
- Cole was adamant that his first goal for Liverpool this season would be the starting of a much more result from him. Well, he just got to do it now, not later. We are in a very silly position, we need to win as many games as we could in this hectic month. A total of 12 matches to be fought in January.
- Joe Cole, you can't be invisible anymore. Bring your magic, the ones that we admire you most when you're with your previous club. Do it. Prove it. Win it for us, the fans from all over the world.
02 January 2011

- I know... I have been neglecting this blog for almost a year. My only truth reason is I was distracted by FACEBOOK. But I can't really say `distracted' since I am still very much active in it (and many of you, too... I KNOW!!!...). I should have started yesterday but I got work to complete, then the weather was oh... so gloomy then it rains, then I went to sleep. It was superfine.
- As everyone is buzzing now, we are in the same pathetic position just like 6 months ago when many were calling for Rafa to step down. Today, it's Roy Hodgson's turn. It's bad. It's ludicrous to lose against Wolves last Thursday morning (due to the Malaysian win against Indonesia on the evening before & over-active futsal match, I missed the match at 4am). And last night's win was best termed as a `delayed process of Roy's termination'.
- I do not wish to prolong the debate. The new owner must have their own plans for the remaining season, in ensuring the club finished as the Top 4. But if any of you ask me what would I vote for Roy? I'll say: HELL YES... I VOTE FOR ROY TO LEAVE !!!
- Instead, I prefer to focus on the players. I am delighted that David Ngog were given a roar when ever he got the ball. It proves that the Kops has taken him into their hearts. I believed his confidence is getting better, and he was shadowed tightly by Zat Knight, but yet he still managed to put a scare on the Bolton's game.
- I hope my opinion is not a consolation because my greatest fear is that Liverpool won't have sufficient fund to buy new striker to partner Torres. And not merely a striker but a world-class striker. So, if we have to settle on with Ngog, we might as well give him a strong backing to excel and to score more.
- What about Joe Cole? The Sun's photo above is the best to summarise Cole's performances thus far. Red carded on his first match, then injured for many-many moons and when he started the match, he wasn't that fit. So he was subbed (just like he did at Chelsea) for the remaining 10 mins or so, he managed to tap in the ball into the net. Regardless of the off-sides cry by the Bolton's player, we cannot avoid but to feel... a bit jittery about Joe Cole. Ok... lets give him some more time. We know he can do better for Liverpool.
- The returned of the lethal combi: Liverpool GT (Gerrard & Torres) were breathtaking. I suspect the only reason for Torres to stay another season in Liverpool was simply the fact that he enjoys pairing with Gerrard when both of them managed to play together on the same pitch. The last 6 months it was Gerrard without Torres (vice versa) due to respective injuries to them. So the lethal combi of Liverpool GT will lit the fire for our survival in this hectic month of January.
- And my Liverpool friends, it will be a fiery month, indeed. Fasten your seat belt. It will be a rough ride.

The GOLDEN Team of Kenny Daglish

If we have them now, say farewell to Arsenal, Man.U and Chelsea... if...