BY the time I switch on my tv, the game is already in its 85th minutes. I didn't really worried because Liverpool were 3-0 by then and surely after the game, all the scores will be shown. And since I didn't really watch it in full, I refrain myself from commenting on it.
But I have a different topic that I want you guys to discuss together with me, in your blog and your respective friends blogs. It's not really a big deal but rather a pain in the ass or a dust in my eyes... Let's get started.
Some said watching your team play and win the game could be on the same par of having sex. So they said. I don't agree. For me, sex can wait. C'mon. What's the point in doing so if your mind is somewhere else? hahaha...
Sex and football has been a popular pair, in particular when people write about George Best and David Beckham. Still I frowned on that notion. To me, talking football in the same breath with sex is just like a deviation, something awkward, one you find a bit daft just like mixing tea and coffee in a cup - what? double caffeine plus stomach ache? Go figure.
On this same formula, I believed ESPN STAR SPORT Channel is trying their best not only to offend us - the pure football nutty - with an adolescences semi-sex appeal in terms of one Miss Jamie Yeo.
I didn't really care at first. Well I am referring to her tacky, tasteless outfit. Miss Jamie Yeo is trying hard to wear as skimpy as she could. On Boxing Day, she wore a decent blouse but matching with a really short pants! Yes, I got the message. Jamie Yeo wants to show off her long legs. ohhh what a turn on for the bandidos...?
On a separate program... I can't recall the exact title but something like UK Soccer Cities... Jamie Yeo went around the nice stadium - in her short t-shirt showing her navel...? That was a bit funny when the people around the stadium were wearing their winter clothes and some Chinks from the Far East is wearing as skimpy as she could. aiyaaa... this is where the tasteless, less-brainier approach has reached a level of obnoxious on her part and the tv producers.
Hey... I'm not preaching in terms of religion here. But my question is this : why must ESPN STAR SPORTS go for this kind of approach? The content itself is already powerful enough to attract us the viewers. The football crazy program - yes I agree the content is funny and crazy. My mind recalls the odd goal celebration of a guy who pretended to knock every one of his teammates. That was hilarious! And the UK Soccer Cities... what an eye opener. Showing the inner sanctum of a football club, i.e the shower room was amazing! Arsenal has the state-of-the-art shower room and yet, they still can't produce a win, even when they were leading by 2 goals...(hahaha...ooooppsss..).
But much to my regret, Miss Jamie Yeo was more like a host for a MTV channel or an erotic version of soccer.... rather than a genuine football presenter. May be I'm wrong here. May be she deliberately chose not to be one?
My point is this : I have nothing personal against Miss Jamie Yeo. No doubt she is pretty. Which doesn't interest me a bit when watching football. I want to see real man play their guts out and score some magnificent goal. I like to see yellow, red card been brandished. I like to see hard tackles by determined defenders. And all the football program's content is good.
But must you spoil it with the tastelessly-dress of Miss Jamie Yeo. I'm not asking her to wear purdah or veil like the Taliban woman. But be sensible a bit lah. Showing navel? Isn't that fashion is only wore by the hollywood sluts - those who was more popular because of their scandals rather than their talents? Paris Hilton may be?
But must you spoil it with the tastelessly-dress of Miss Jamie Yeo. I'm not asking her to wear purdah or veil like the Taliban woman. But be sensible a bit lah. Showing navel? Isn't that fashion is only wore by the hollywood sluts - those who was more popular because of their scandals rather than their talents? Paris Hilton may be?
Perhaps, if Miss Jamie Yeo doesn't show too much flesh in 2009, it would be the wisest thing to do to regain viewers confidence that she is a genuine article, not a brainless/ dumb/ sexy-for-nothing woman after all.
anyone knows where to find Liverpool FC blogger templates or layouts?
have u been googling jamie yeo?
and yea that boxing celebration gila best hahah
why liverpool never had any interesting celebrations now?
like crouchie's robot dance or fowler's kiss the grass thing.
it was awesome
hehe Utusanlfc. Got a shock a while reading this post la. Tiba tiba je gambar awek..hehe.
I think she is using espn as a stepping stone la..maybe she will be in mtv or channel v soon. I have noticed her clothings..or lack of it as you put it but fortunately I don't really watch programmes with her in it much la. A glimpse now and then only. And yes, I agree that tak sesuai sangat la her clothings tu. Maybe we could ask the producer about it.
hiDayah.nazri: If this is what you are refering to, if something else, sorry la then
- Fowler was not really kissing the grass la..more like mimicking snuffing drug through his nose.
White line = drug (dunno which kind though..just snuff probably).
Dragging nose along the line=snuffing la
He was in trouble for that antic though.
Sigh..good old spice boys days eh..
Now I am curious about the deleted comment la Utusanlfc...
Trust me KHAN. I have nothing to do with it. My policy is : keep it open. You'd noticed some Arsenal fans had cursed me to the maximum and I didn't delete it. Though I suspect it could be bro meiguoren who accidentally removed it? Just may be.
And as for meiguoren question... I'm not sure how to answer. It's really up to your creativity to look for it, then take it independently (i.e steal it!) on your blog. Try our friend, mylfc at www.my-liverpoolfc.com. He may have some ideas. Or the easiest way is just browse through the official website liverpoolfc.tv and go to the fanzone. They have wallpapers, pictures etc etc...
Or if you rajin, try to create on your own. Then I can steal it from you? hahaha...
wei... I guess you like Jamie Yeo lah yaa...
ohh correction and apology to meiguoren. Upon checking, it was Dayah who cancelled her posting. Don't know why. Care to enlighten Mr KHAN, dear Dayah?
I didn't do anything...
But I'm also curious...
What's the deleted comment?
And what's with the Arsenal fan being emo at the wrong place?
err yea i was the one who deleted my cmmnt.
i wanted to add something.
i nvr thought it'd be such a big deal -__-
*thanks khan for that info.
owh ya...
i've set up a new blog for football related rant...
it's not much but at least i can rant all i want...
check out if you guys at leisure...
Oh..thought is was that Torres_Mom comment again..
Ada Bayor
I agree with your assestment on Jamie Yeo. She has no fashion taste at all. Sexy and dumb. What you should do is stop watching those tv programmes that she hosted.
I am a Liverpool fan since the 70s and happen to know Jamie and her husband. Obviously, u people are too dumb to be a pool fans because TV is about appeal and Jamie happens to fit the bill. There is a serious panel for the show and also a fun panel like footballCrazy. If u all cant tell the diff, u r dumb.
I think Jamie looks good, at least better than those covered up from head to toe
Btw, as a self proclaimed liverpool site and fan, focus should be on football and serious discussion on soccer, tactics since Liverpool are known to be the more discerning lot and not googling at some ladies and follow what they wear all the time. Only woman focus on such things.
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