
WHILE enjoying my dinner just now (and waiting anxiously for the 11pm game LFC vs Hull), my attention was caught by the TV3 interview with our Sports Minister who commented that the government would try to remedy the national football team's morale and most importantly, their performances on the international level.
My question is : what else the government want to do next? If I'm not mistaken, FAM held a seminar or something recently focusing on the national squad. It seems the old record is being played again and again and again... So what do you and me should do? Myself in particular, admitted that I watch all the three games (though not as attentively as watching LFC game) and was so pissed-off with the calamity of the goalie in the Vietnam game and how vast was the standard between us and the Thais who passed the ball so beautifully ala English league team.
The Malaysian team seems to have 2 parts. While the forwards can be categorised as OKAY, the midfielders down to the fullbacks and the pathetic goalie were total KAPUT. Never before has the national team performed so dismally, even though Malaysian could still remember how miserable they were while playing at Bukit Jalil in the Asian Cup 2007.
I am no expert in Malaysian soccer. I discard all my connection to Malaysian football when all hell broke lose with the match-fixing scandals in the 1990's. Mind you, I was a staunch supporter of my state team, Sarawak under the banner of NGAP SAYOT and later, BUJANG SENANG. When one or two of the state players got called by the national team, you get this some kind of a satisfying, proud and a strong sense of belonging then.
Even when I migrated fully to KL in 1993, I still follow the state team and made a tedious arrangement to travel to away games as far as Johor Baharu. I follow the team to Seremban, Melaka and of course, Stadium Merdeka and Stadium Shah Alam. The highlight of it all was when Sarawak made it to the final of Piala Malaysia but against Brunei we lost 2-1. Can't remember the year (when you lost the game, you tend to acquire the amnesia syndrome) but I brought my fiancee then (now of course my wife - as an orientation to be part of a Sarawakian family... hihihi) and I met many many long lost friends at Stadium Merdeka that faithful night.
In fact, I can freely admitted that one of the strikers is a dear friend of mine - Ramos Sari. Recent development involving him is something of a total surprise and sympathy. I didn't have the opportunity yet to speak to Ramos. In fact, it has been quite sometime we didn't met. Because he was already retire for a few years before he was recalled to boost the state squad.
If the accusation is true, I blame it to the dark era of Sarawakian football management. The state FA was in the state of collapse. They were broke. They missed the game because they cannot afford to pay the air ticket. The players were not paid for at least 5 months. Even a local businessman fork out his own million to ensure the players got some to pay their bills.
In this kind of situation - I ask you, in your most sincere way - could anyone decline the devil's temptation. No money for months. No one cares. But yet football is your livelihood. My personal view is that if my friend is ever prosecuted and became the fall-guy in this issue, I suggest the authority to investigate also the Sarawak football management. I'm not accusing them of any wrong doings but for heaven sakes, the footballers won't have to resort to the devils if they are properly taken care of.
Again, I am not an expert of Malaysian football. Never ever. Unlike our own professional sport writer (at least he still blogs about sports) Mr Rizal Hashim - he might have something new to say about the whole apocalypse of Malaysian football team.
My point of telling you guys of my once-upon-a-time affiliation with the Sarawakian team (a staunch fan, armed with 2 packs of DJARUM and RM10 to cover 1 burger and 1 coke during the game), I am blaming the football administration there.
In regards of the national team, we could and we actually have blamed FAM. It is amusing to see many people really go for broke every time there is a general meeting election. The contest was fierce ala the real political election. I wonder what is it actually prompted those people to wanting the posts? Is it because of the monetary gain? Is it because having a post in FAM can be a major stepping stone for them to another field of play? Or is it because they simply have nothing else to do in their life than to take up the position?
I won't be asking the silly questions if by having all the supposedly-right people in FAM is mirrored with the supposedly-right performances by the national squad. Which is none.
Correct me, if I'm wrong.
(11pm cannot come any more faster...)
Bro, I've written quite a number of articles suggesting ways and means for Malaysian football to emerge from the backwaters in the past, but it is a question of wanting to impose changes and whether the powers-that-be have the will to do it! Dah penat nak tulis!
The sacrifice must be continued bro rizal.. no metter worst our national team form, it still our beloved country to be proud off!! but now its relly F** OFF...
sorry for my words..
in 90s era, every people loves to go stdium to watch football... The most attandence in stdm was SELANGOR! I WAS selangors fan, but now?? HAMPEHH!! no quality at all, but still got plenty of Selangorian in National Squad!
Apa ada SHUKOR ADAN!! He is useless in central either in defending or attackin, just keep the ball and pass to amirulhadi to attack!!...
EPL Tigers, who snap a point at anfield and Asian Tigers, who looooose point to 'unbranded' Vietnam!
I used to be actively involved in malaysian football since the 80s with KLFC and due to some unforseen circumstances (don't feel like saying why now), stopped one year after the turn of the millennium.
Used to tell my tutelages that it would be the 'cool' to one day represent the country, and seeing at least one of them achieve his 'dream' in the Malaysian squad now (playing for Selangor too), I feel sorry for him..really. There are two going up the ranks in the KL teams now too, but I wonder if they really want to follow the footsteps of their 'abang' to play in the malaysian team if given a chance.
Like Rizal says, dah penat...
So what is the conclusion? Just let it be and be damned? I think I just do that. SWITCH OFF.
Bro. I still remember the night that sarawak lost to brunei. Damn!
we were JUST that close for the trophy :(
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