I just realised... waiting for the 1.30am game will be a really tough challenge to my sanity. Last week, I had a terrible time watching LFC vs Spurs as I believed I only stay awake about 15 minutes. Then on and off and on and off. Today, I spend the whole day with my family. Didn't achieve much aside then finding a huge place of air-conditioned building... this time it was IKANO. The day is so hot. Crazy. I must admit, I feel more at ease when it is raining, though my truck would disagree with me.
Last night was brilliant. I played futsal with my buddies. It was the 2nd game since it was restarted last week (after Ramadan and Aidilfitri break) which I missed because my plane only landed a day after. There were 2 new mates joining the game. They were good. I never got their name, though. I think he might think the same. It's still early days to get acquainted. But next week, I know... I'll get him to be in MY team. He can shoot a blistering ball from 50 yards straight to the goal. I know my mate on the opposing team (the goalie) had a hot pairs of palms after the game... As for me, I was wearing Torres jersey but settled at the back (I fancy myself to be a one hell of a tough defender, in real speaking terms)... to which I thought I should have been wearing Carragher's shirt, instead. I did save a few hit and my left leg is a bit swollen when I go for the 50-50 ball. And of course, I did let go more than a few when we were caught napping. Actually, I blame it to the opposition tactics. The opposition defenders were paranoid. They will simply kick the ball away when ever they managed to stop our strikers. That sometimes resulted the ball went like a pinball and landed on their strikers who were most of the times behind me. hahaha....
Yesterday also, I studied the league chart. I had to know why and how did Liverpool who had extra win is now in the 2nd place under Chelsea - whom we beat soundly. I guess most of you would know the answer and I'll tell you - keep it to yourself.
My wife did ask me a peculiar question when she saw me reading the charts vigorously. I supposed she thought my action is peculiar, also. Usually, for a football fanatic and a follower of a certain team - in our case, LFC, we start our week talking about the next opposition. The weaknesses from our side, their side. The strength - also from respective perspective. Then we start making a joke or two, here & there. After the game, we analyse - from our own favourite angle. We might condemned the ref if the result didn't go our way. We might not even give a slightest thought about the ref if we win. It's true, right?
This is `the beauty of human communication', as relate to me the first time by my communication professor. `Nobody is right, nobody is wrong'. Each has to be respected. As long as you guys don't resort to name-calling or using all the explicit words to each other. That would be immature and unprofessional, he said. Since that day, I try my best to practice his wisdom. By having my own blog, I was told that it is a platform for me to express anything I want to. Of course this blog is solely on football. I do mix it a bit on international and national issues that interest me.
A blog become a good communication platform when you open it for the public to express their thoughts - be it positive or negative comment. I guess I am receptive to that and open myself to be scrutinised. But if you find me to be unreceptive in my blog... trust me, I am still in the learning process. So forgive me if I retaliate! hahaha (but I try not to be that obvious laaa...)
1 comment:
ok ok i'll register. after school :D
pfft the longest my dad can watch a foreign football match is 15 minutes until he snores.
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