I was on the verge of taking my car key when suddenly... I heard... the sounds of rain. And it doesn't sounds sentimental... it was heavy rain. aiyaa... now I'm stuck in the office and have to do something to make myself occupied. errr... so I open my blog now. hahaha...

One thing about the rain, what we have now is quite extra-ordinary. I believe we have been in the raining seasons way since the Ramadan (the whole month of September) until now. The pattern is consistent. It would rain either in the afternoon or late afternoon. And when it drops, it as if the rain spills a whole dam to the earth. It's good because we get a bit of cold weather.
But one aspect I want to convey to all of you... when it is raining, particularly even at 1pm, please... switch on your lights when driving. It won't burned your lights if you do so. And it doesn't make you a crazy man if you switch on the lights at 1pm... because the sky would be so dark, as if it is 7pm...
When drivers switch on their lights, it helps other drivers to see you. Visuality is very very important when you're stuck in the rain and in the dark rainy environment. Please give it a thought. Don't be kedekut with your car lights. You may switch the small lights or the headlights. This is the very reason also why it is compulsory for motorcyclist to switch on their bike's full-time. I think, every drivers in Malaysia must be taught about the importance of becoming visible while driving. You must be seen by other motorist. And you must be in a position to see others.
Another peculiar trend among Malaysian motorist is they love to turn-on their hazard lights when the rain is really heavy. I'm not sure if its a good thing to do because hazard lights can only and should only be switch-on when you're not moving, particularly on the emergency lane. But on highways, when the visibility is bad... those hazard lights would act just like the police siren lights. But I seriously think the motorist shouldn't use the hazard light if they want to resume their driving. I usually have to use my `Malaysian' driving dictionary, so I won't hit the rear of those vehicles.
So you guys, be smart on the road. Make yourself visible. Not invisible. And use hazard light when you're on static position only.
It's more like Nargis typhoon, not winter. Think there is a law that prohibits driver to switch on hazard lights unless in a static position. So bapak polisi,fine them hard. It is endangering their and other people's lives.
BTW, X6 punye hazard light belah mana hah? Tak jumpe plak.
apahal cerita hujan tu pok,bila boleh jumpa tek?
Bob From Kuching
korang ni samseng betul lah. Tak boleh ke aku alih sikit topik.. terus kena soal bak Karpal... ish ish ish...
So Bro. Bob pun nak get together. what if kita let Rizal and Zaidi to fix the meeting. And all of us try to be there.
Sebab I try last week but because of UMNO meetings (which I covered not participate...), the gathering had to be postponed last minute.
So Rizal... kau tetapkan lah. Make sure tempat tak jem, senang parking dan kau belanja minum makan. hahaha
spoken to rizal, he is away till 18th. x leh join.
so yg tinggal aku, kau, manaf and bob jumpa kat bangsar pukul 9.30 mlm, any mamak shop of ur choice. hidayah kena baca buku kut, budak2 kena tidur awal.
jo, i've emailed my hp# to ur gmail.
p/s rizal kalau ade kat kl pun x tentu lg sbb korang taulah..penyakit xx.
sorry bro, lupa ckp hari ape.
kita jumpa Friday night.
bangsar jd pilihan sbb rasanya tgh2 antara kajang, cheras dan shah alam.
errr... camana Bob? Manaf? and anybody else yang nak join?
Ok lazimnya Friday-Ahad, aku akan occupied with UMNO nomination result but usually by maghrib, aku boleh pass the batton to my night shift guy.
Zaidi, I have your number but tell us mana bistro.
Since rizal tak join, tak de chance le nak rasa dia belanja kita. hahaha
Bagitahu confirm tak confirm..sms me la :P
kalau hujan camana?
who's in, who's out?
sape confirm? aku on klu cukup jemaah.
anon, klu hujan kite peluk gefren msg2.
errr... aku susah lah malam sabtu. camana kita tunda next monday?
So Malam ni tak jadi la ye? Okay. Please keep me posted.
kitorang ni kerje 9-5 Mon-Fri so Friday paling elok sbb Sabtu cuti, bolehlah balik 2-3 pagi.
aku je kut keje conventional working hrs? hahahaha
ape2 roger la bro.
sori lah. 3am tak leh.
tapi Insyallah, kita jumpa next week, aku belanja minum (1st round sahaja dan non-alcoholic) HAHAHAHAHA
I am always home by 3pm ;-)
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